Please...get OUT of my house. No, you don't have to get OUT of my house now... HAHA. I saw her looking slim in Morrisons last year, I chatted with her but we both knew the truth. Naaa your alright Adam mate, thanks again tho.
You can lose a canny bit of weight when you're depressed because you've been a dick to everyone and nobody likes you anymore.
I must admit, even this time I'm struggling to interpret whether you were actually being sarcastic there, Rossy.
Fucking hell, I've kicked up quite a fuss here like. Who actually gives a shit? Yes I thought he might have been, my comment works either way.
had on a second , u post a mesage about zoo project in a city with no zoo yet harp on about sum doylum.. get back on the subject
It was hilarious, propa kick off coz he'd lost all his pryda stuff. "not on that man, all me fuckin lethal pryda stuff was in that wallet" The main attraction had to be the bbq, it was 10 out f 10 for effort like.
This whole thread is a crease. The Zoo project is a massive international brand now. Yes it started in a zoo but doesnt just do parties in at Gala nights Zoo in Ibiza anymore. Only on the Nucastle board will people wop on like this. Zoo project do parties in Manchester, london, Middlesbrough, Liverpool, Berlin, Milan and whole whost of other eurpean cities and have even gone as far as Thailand but only on the Nucastle board will people harp on because 'there isn't a zoo in newcastle' and its not being held at a Zoo. Im sure the germans had a rite winge when they did a Zoo project party at Watergate.
zoo project sold out in the empire in boro on boxing day apparently..dont think thats happened in years
You not seen the biggmarket or the gate on a weekend recently? Boro doesn't have a Zoo either does it? Unless you count the Riverside...
well if its anywhere near as good as circo loco and we love i will be as happy as a famous austrian with a new sound proofing kit..........