if he plays at promise im there!! dont care how much he plays here, to see him in Promise, i d pull all stops out to get there!!
phil reynolds if he plays hard house wgich i think he does then hes a no for me im afraid. just not a big fan of it, and if he was on at promise would prob choose not to go. just not my cuppa unfortunately.
definately not!!!! it may be 'hard dance' or whatever its called these days but its still not promise!!
hehe definately not!!!! it may be 'hard dance' or whatever its called these days but its still not promise!!
finks im gonna have to agree wif Mr. Revel on this one, HH is ok and i do like some but not in promise, leave it for sundis and other bosh bosh clubs!
YUP DEFFO KIDDA! oh i also love a nother type of music! read the note on top of my avatar! deffo will be givin the funky house room a visit on sunday like!!
glad u got them in the right order dude...."trance n hardy hardy stuff" trance comes first! so u gonna become a full on trendy now? u got the hair cut all you need to do now is look scruffy as fuk, dont have a shower for at least half a year and look like big dave!
Re: your thoughts ? mark as much as i love hard house i wouldnt like to see a nukleuz dj playing at promise. you talk about promise having its own unique sound but i do not understand how this can be so with different styles of dj's playing each week? one week is trance, the next techno, then hardhouse...is promise turning into the sugarshack? i suppose variety isnt necessarily a bad thing and i still come to promise most weeks and have a great time...but i cant help but feeling that we should stick to one genre rather than just changing from month to month. i dont see how people can come to promise to hears it "unique" sound when corvin is playing one week and phil reynolds the next. if promise is never going to be a hardhouse club as you said not so long ago why dont we concerntrate on booking trance dj's? im not familiar with the difficulties in booking certain dj's but there are douzens and douzens of trance djs that couold play at promise. just my thoughts...
All valid points, and I'm sure Mark won't turn Promise into a hard house club (unless it's Promise Hard). However, loads of DJs now are not being as rigid in their styles, and can play various genres. The prime example has to be Eddie Halliwell - a year ago most people would have said he was strictly a hard house DJ, yet he went down a storm at Promise and doesn't play hard house. Recent line ups have seen Anne Savage, Nick Rafferty and Rob Tissera, all known as hard house DJs over recent years yet played trance (hard trance, or whatever) at Promise. DJs are becoming less and less pidgeon-holed by style. Give some newer blood a chance and don't just expect them to play what you expect! You might just like it.
rupert??? good point BOB, eg how many ppl knew that Kerry plays a mean funky house set? and so does Neil Adams come to that. I was shocked and surprised