Thats because you are new. Dont comment on what you dont know. Fuck off you bald shit actor. @iany - thought that might tickle ya
Re: Re: Re: yesterday... I don't exactly know what your getting at here, but if you find it funny he has been fucking jumped on, maybe someone will fucking jump on you!!:evil: :evil:
Re: Re: Re: Re: yesterday... Dont threaten me. It was at the fact he says the wrong things at the wrong time.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: yesterday... So fuck, I didn't like what you were implying! You don't know what is happening in his life, and I don't take kindly to people makiing such comments! Who has threatened you BTW?
I have said all I have to say to iany. Im not saying it to you aswell, if ian is cool from now on then everyone else will be. Sometimes people piss each other off, its life, you dont just ignore it do ya?
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: yesterday... And I dont like some of the things ian has implied. Considering I have stuck up for him in the past means I have at least not jumped a bandwagon. Tbh what happens in his life is none of my business, and what has that got to do with this messageboard... people should keep their private lives off messageboards if it shouldnt be there. And by saying I may get jumped on, thats a threat to me. If it wasnt, fair enough, but why say it?
Haha... and just cos you have 200 doesnt mean you are If you read before I had said to iany I would give him a chance, and I will... youre the only one keeping this going
Would you want parts of your life on here if it was hurtfull and personal to you? I doubt it. End of.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: yesterday... I just don't like the way you said what you did. You think he deserves to get a kickin for comments made on here? I was just making a comment, you didn't like it, deal with it!
Fuck sake - GET A GRIP!!!!!! Leave him alone!!!!!! If you dont like what ian posts then dont read it!!!!! It isnt hard!!! And if those people moaning about Ian dislike reading his posts SO MUCH then why post threads like this - which are BOUND to get a reaction from him???? Any need???? Its a message board - dont take things so seriously :chill:
Re: yesterday... as Jimmy woudl say....agreed it's Bri deleting posts.... for some reason he gets very protective when anyone has a go at fat ugly dwarf
I just try to give him advice, he takes it on board too He has changed and I think he is trying to change, lol at Si - you will never change dood
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: yesterday... lol I said jumped upon as in people on here getting at him... I dont know anything about him being literally jumped upon. As far as im concerned he doesnt deserve a kicking, violence solves fuck all in most situations. It was a misunderstanding and I can deal with it if you can?
Re: Re: yesterday... I deleted it. Cos it was a pathetic thread moaning and groaning - like some of the other recent ones...... If the message board isnt as good as ppl like it - posting a thread having a moan and groan...n then more ppl reply to it having a moan and groan.....this makes it better right?? Oh no, actually it doesnt...its just depressing to read!
Re: yesterday... Yes - i deleted it. Also - the board hasnt got worse since Ian came back - its shit like this thats going to spoil it - people doing nothing but whinge! Whats the point?? :spangled: