cant believe your even considering it. the club wud be full but would it be full of the type of people you want in it? you cant enter the premier league of clubs and have the like of him playing
i read sumwhere in this forum that u mite be thinking of putting him on or a sunday or thru the week and i reckon thats probs the best thing to do becasue it wont be associated with the friday nite of promise too much but it will still be promise therefore the regulars that go on a friday that are objecting to it wont have to go if its on a diff nite to friday!! if possible book him on a sun or thru the week and i still reckon loadsa ppl will go, theres plenty of ppl slating him on the board now but i can guarentee that loads of them would go, i know lots of us lot probs will!!! but to shut up the moaners n to avoid loadsa ppl off the board branding the whole nite a joke if he plays on a fri i deffo think its best to put him on a diff nite to a friday!! i reckon u should book him though he's fucking class!!! xxxx
Dave was class @ TallTrees the 4 Times i have seen him, but i had a diifferent tastse in music then!!! i would say he is better suited @ Ikon these days, cos the music he played then was Dance rather than this shite they call dance these days
no. i dont think having dave play the club would do you any favours, except perhaps in a financial sense. i personally wouldnt mind seeing him , just so i can form an opinion - but not at promise... his reputation preceeds him.
did anyone go to that radio one party at whitely bay last year? dave pearce, sonique and the fudge. was charver city. i would not go. i reckon the club would be filled but like orbit said "its hard to build a reputation for a club but easy to destroy it." just my opinion tho.
everyone keeps forgettin that promise is a business though and dave pearce will pull a crowd in and make promise alot of money! at gielen on friday the club was jumpin but wasnt that packed and im pretty sure wont have made promise as much money as what pearce would. what would u all rather have? super cool trendy underground DJ's everyweek which dont fill the club and cause promise to shut down cos its losing money... OR ...dave pearce playing every now and then, playing trance/hard trance (which most DJs play at promise anyways!!!) and bringing in alot of money to the club so that they can afford to get the lesser known DJ's that we all want, on a more regular basis?
i agree wit that!!! it is going to make promise a SHIT LOAD of cash that can be spent on bringin in the dj's that the majority want to hear
if he is put on a seperate nite though, its making out as though he deserves a special nite all of his own, and regardless of whether its on a sunday or not its still gunna have promise's name attached to it so what does it matter! everyone should just stop bein so snobby...none of ulot are so cool that u cant listen to dave pearce!
Who r the majority and what do they want 2 here?? And can a few apperences from any Radio1 DJs change which DJs we might have in the future!!! I think not I can understand why Promise like this sort of DJ cos it brings in the beer boys, which = ££. Promise is a bussiness afterall
Any club can book big crowd pullers, the problem isn't ramming it the first time, its getting the people to come back again and again. Dave Pearce would pack promise, as would any radio1 dj (jules, fontaine). That goes without saying, but as Che pointed out Promise have spent the last year reinventing themselves and getting an amazing name throughout clubland. Why through this strong image away for a few extra bodies? I personally think dave would play a wikkid set at promise and it would be chocker block.... But in the long term it would do far more damage; attracting the wrong people and damaging the brand.
Yeah but the thing is why Dave Pearce?? There are loads of djs Promise could book that would pack the club and make a shit load of money, but at the same time not damage the clubs reputation. People like Picotto and Van Dyk for instance. Im now just gonna kill my point. Doh! Just realised Dangerous Dave is probably relatively cheap to book, so its the fact that he is cheap and will fill the club that will make shit loads of money. Picotto and Van Dyk are expensive so i doubt those nights are as profitable. Dunno. :spangled: Ive just confused myself now.
because HE IS DAVE PEARCE. my nanna knows who dave pearce is for gods sakes...he's on the radio so no matter how huge we think van dyk and picotto are, pearce is without doubt gunna be known by more people as he is a radio 1 presenter. as long as its not every week i really dont see having dave pearce on harming promise's reputation
You think? I disagree, a shit load of promise regulars and potentia regulars are hugely snobbish about their music - I'll name a few who i'm sure wont mind (Pilly Phil, Illuminous Alex, Orbit)... As this sort of clubber makes up a large propotion of the promise regulars it makes no sense in putting on dj's they'd feel they couldn't go to see.... They'd be replaced by 1 time wonders who come to the club for that 1 time and would be liable to send out the wrong message to new punters (fights, leglessness, cowied up munters, etc.)... For one night the numbers would be big but it could do massive damage to the promise brand. The potential Crasher, Passion, Gods, Inside Out, Good Greef punters would be put off perminantly.
Dave pearce would fill the club but would fill it of the wrong people in my opinion you can't book class dj's week in week out and then give us dave pearce he's more suited to ikon then foundation if his dance anthems is anything to go by.
but do we really want the club full of narrow minded message board music snobs? if i was a club promoter the last thing i would be tryin to do is please people like this who would stop goin to the club cos a certain DJ who was booked, they disliked