WKD's Daft Idea's. The point of sale stuff for WKD came in today for christmas. they did the turkey heads last year and that was irratating, but there wasnt anything funnier than seeing a group a meatheads thinking they were cool as fuck with a turkey head on. grim. now they've went and done it again: http://www.wkd.co.uk/chickenrocks who come up with this shit
looks as though it'll keep your head snug and warm in between bars and looks mint too! How do I go about getting one?
shame the drumsticks arent real tho, it'd be class to be able to rip one off and start munching away when you're getting a bit peckish towards the end of the night
I have just been to the bairns nativity play and one of the kids had one of these on Will post pic up later
i went to liquid tonight and saw at least 20+ radgies at the bigg market thinking they were some kind of cult with them on. god no.