Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Jess C, Jul 17, 2006.
don't make her cry again Rob :tut: she's only a young 'un
hes stolen my identity :cry2:
Is that better? *poof*
FUCKING HELL RUTH! 19000 posts.
is she the biggest poster/loser?
i need a life Jess - you're names in bold once again
i think we helped she owes us
Jess should return the favour to you sexually & to me also with men watching eh??
yey I love you rob
no i would like to think i can get jess because she likes me
who's the biggest is it jess?
aww bless, but failing that.....
nah jimmy...look under members then top 50 posters
then no
jess has changed hers though shes blatantly on about 30000
i never realised being a mod gave you a great sense of humour
can you lift yourself
yeeeeey hopefully you'll stop throwing tantrums when you dont get your own way
Are you still here? Was hoping you would have got stuck in the hole you keep crawling out of.
Separate names with a comma.