exactly, alexander gets a bit sleazy with you but you're mates arent ya? and its not like you're the only girl on here to ever have some male attention. i dont think some people realise that the majority of regular posters know each other and are friendly, and will stick up for each other.
DETOX HAS A CRUSH ON JESS C. he's working your patch/moving in on your turf/sniffing around your dame.
The only reason I get sleazy comments is because Im one of the only single girls who actually posts on here? The majority don't hardly post anymore or have boyfriends. I am really good mates with Alex thats why he jokes on although people sometimes dont realise we are!
granted, but its like watching flies round shit some times.....it does look pathetic but everyones entitled to an opinion...even if it doesn't conform to the clique's views on here thinks she's jumped up, but she doesn't like me either...so no love lost
i agree that some of the posts were shit....but its quite obvious that its the jess appreciation board ps nice touch with the name calling....really big of you
I dnt think you realise how far from the truth that really is nice lass and all that but far too high maintenance from what I have seen anyway she doesnt go out with melted owl ornaments
shes my friend and if you've noticed i dont sleaze anymore, it was a joke! fair enough i wanted to smash her pasty but so fuck, im male!!!
you've been here 5 minutes dafty. i cant say ive ever seen joe arselick with jess. oasis and alexander are notorious board sleazes and and will go for anything resembling a girl psycatosser is harldy mr popular and will make shit jokes all the time in a desperate bid for acceptance. if you cant see that its a joke then you are pretty simple. as ive said before, most of us know each other and know each others humour. i cant comment on jess being a nice person or not as ive spoke to her a handful of times, she's always come accross as normal to me... but i have no want or reason to arselick her and cant say i ever have. but i'll let you make your mind up as you seem to know so much about this board already, dickhead.
who are your trying to convince pops? i thought you were going to the pub to spend your alleged winnings
she's probs sat back now, reading her little screen, smiling smugly at you all jumping to her defense...she needn't even post a word