My weekend was pretty good, went to wax on fri and shindig on sat...again Going to Leeds this weekend to Basics
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Well ah bless you what happened? my opinion is if things dont last its for a reason big hug for you
Had a canny weekend Fri- other rooms then wax on. Got pissed danced and wobbled to Erol Alkan Sat- :chill:, pizza,MOTD,:sleep: Sun- Chiled out n watched TV.
fritag - katies birthday party then wax on saturday - chester le strasse (wank) then sunderland (still wank) new bars are canny tho, got immobilised off a night of gin and flaming sambuca chasers sunday - few games of stick ball then a few films.
ergh i am so hungover :sick: how come when you get older you cant take going out on a week night any more?! i used to be able to do it all the time at school/uni and get up and not miss any lectures or anything??
mine were a nightmare, harder than being at work, im sitting with my feet up on the desk at the minute
I wouldnt dream about going clubbing or anything on a work night. Even a few glasses of wine or a few beers makes me feel like absolute crud the next day. Probably from having to be up at 6am each day and not being able to sleep it off
Depends on your job brid, i work flexi time now so its quite easily done for me. I wont get completely battered but i'll go out to a club on a worknight and come in to work before 10. It's all about living the dream in the newcastle clubbing scene
Im far too tired after a typical day to even contemplate doing anything other than just lie about after about 9pm.... best i can manage is karate or football soon after work - but after that my body just shuts down. Dont worry Yogi - in a few years you'll develop 'the fatigue' as well
I'm shit if i dont get 8 hours sleep on a school night. Its my rule that i always stick to - 8 hours or die
cannot wait should be a good weekend stu says he'll cook our tea for when we get there on friday bless him