Weight Training

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by BenC, Apr 18, 2006.

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  1. charley6969


    Mar 23, 2004
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    Re: Weight Training

    aye a train mate

    if you are wanting to to put some weight on then you have to make sure u are eating at least 5 meals a day, you need lots of protein like chicken, steak, tuna in ur diet. then u need ur source of carbs which u will get from pasta, brown rice, potatos, porridge etc, then u need ur brockley and other green vegetables for ur source of other nutrientsl ike iron nd that

    then on top of that make sure u are having ur protein drinks reglular but it depends on how much protein u get from ur actual food as to how much much supplementary protein u need, dont waste it.

    then creatine and glutamine are two other supplements u can take to help u grow, the creatine will lessen ur fatigue during training and also add a bit weight to u to, the glutamine just stops ur body from eating away at ur muscle when u dont eat for a while, for e.g. when ur sleeping

    oh and i forgot, make sure u keep training hard

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