Picking up Stephens new cat tonight and staying in with the bairn. Tomorrow will be playing with the cat and applying for jobs, then picking my piss head up after the match. Sunday, probs nice Sunday dinner then to the pics.
the neet : Town with work the mora : chill the mora neet : round washington for a few quiet ones sunday : bowling, joints, footy on sky, pro evo & a mix
celebrating finishing my exams by working tonight and tommorow till 4am, followed by preperation for a corporate presentation on wednesday, which will take sunday, monday and tuesday.. then course team night out to the titty bar in town on wednesday, 2-4-1 so I hear... off to snowdonia for a few days next weekend, then diving and snowboarding the week after then I start my thesis
I passed the 2nd of my CeMap exams today with 3 distinctions and a pass so was gunna go for a celebratory drink but............... tomorrow work till 2 then try and rush into town for the match and then who knows where I'll end up but I wanna get very drunk sunday not much at all
Tonight: Getting a take away and being very lazy/ watching TV Sat: Uni work and then off to see Lee Sun: more uni work Roll on the end of March!
2night - College work then a 3 hour orgy of CSS. 2moro - Work in the mornin, metrocentre in the afternoon for some shoes then wor lass. Sun - Gettin me hair cut and doin more college work.. I swear to god I could wet myself.. what an exciting weekend ahead
Tonight - staying in up to now... Tomorrow - one of my friends from Holland is coming to stay for the weekend, so got to pick him up from the airport then taking him round town for drinks then Shindig Sunday - might go bowling or something:think: Got monday and tuesday off work so a nice long wekeend for Sarah
fri - staying in & aimning for an early night sat - playing games with master jakeus & then going to a mates for drinks sun - sweet f.a.
i'd agree with pike, going out with the lads on a wrecker is much fun than a "bar crawl" with the wife.