Friday: Off to the local pub for a few quiet beers Saturday Off to see Mylo LIVE @ back to basics Sunday: after party in Leeds with Damian Lazarus back to a mates to carry on the after party Sunday night: recovering
Moping around all weekend no doubt, might end up at a comedy night for a few giggles and watch the footy, not in a good mood to do anything fun tbh though
fri-promise sat-possible afternoon session sun-nice sunday dinner and an early night for work on monday
Fri - Goin round the local with the gf.. Sat - Goin for a meal with said gf for ones birthday.. Sun.. Relax then off 2 Heeed Kandi @ Stereo.. Mon - Smile (Hopefully) Should be a good weekend
Fri- Promise! Yay!!!!!!!!!!! First time out in aaaaaaaaaages :clap: :clap: :clap: Sat- recovering and maybe off for meal Sun- uni work again - boooo!
If you're in town, pop along to Egypt Cottage, funky (amongst other styles of) house downstairs, hard house/techno upstairs, free entry, from 4pm! My weekend... Friday - gym after work Saturday - domestic stuff, shopping, ironing etc... Sunday - cook Sunday lunch (been meaning to cook one for a few weeks now...!) before heading up to Thunda Roll on Tuesday, my month off the beer ends!!! Man U Vs Arsenal on telly, day off work Wednesday!
Friday - Going to see meet the fockers Saturday - Going to my mates party Sunday - lying in bed then on the night work
Change of plans - today housework Tonight- meet the fockers Tomorrow wath the footy, go to deansgate locks then go to comedy night Sunday-footy if theres out on, then quiz night
tonight - promise, looking forward to it feels like i aint been in ages. tommorow - food, drink withrach, jim & his lass. sunday - chilling
Tonight - Promise Tomorrow - Match, then a night in with my sister, probs watch a few DVDs Sunday - Out either in town or Jesmond
Tonight - Just staying in with me 2 babies! Tmr - Looking for a suit for being a bestman, then the match, then fuck know's. Sun - Not alot, probably pictures
I'm only having a look about, very much doubt I'll be buying one tomorrow. We won't be trying on our wasitcoats yet I don't think. Don't be sad!:groovy: