fri - work & then spend nite with Ken sat - work, eat & c Ken sun - poss work, tidy room, c mates & c Ken mon - work
Friday - Promise Saturday - Chill / Shopping / DVD / Pay bills Sunday - Clear / Shindig birthday Monday - Day off to recover
Friday - bottle of wine in front of tv Saturday - staying with my ex's sister Sunday - Green Festival (weather dependent) then Shindig birthday
friday - wreckage, promise sat - wreckage, wreckage and more wreckage sunday - wreckage, possibly go to see aim at whq and more wreckage monday - out on the lash somewhere mixed with a bit wreckage. wud have ventured to magna and insomz but proper skint at the min. shindigs out of the question aswell. no way im payin 30 quid to see whos on. theres only lawler and stanton warriors who i want to see.
Friday - Playing Vuzz then Promise more than likely Saturday - Miks during the day then pubcrawl in Bedlington for a mates birthday Sunday - Chill, practice for theory test Monday - Chill and probably mix new cd
Fri - Day off plus Promise. get in. Sat - :chill: and telly. Sun - :chill: plus whatever boyfriend duties. more telly. maybe shops. Mon - boyfriend duties again. less telly than yesterday. Probs shops.
Fri - drive to edinburgh sat - sisters wedding and piss up with cousins sun - drive back down for green festival, maybe shindig
Promsie on friday Sleeping on saturday Might end up going to GG on sun...ill see if carrie can twist my arm
Fri - Exam in Manchester, shopping, then home Sat - Getting contact lenses, then pub Sun - Lazy day then Tall Trees Mon - Day in bed
friday night- either promise or dining on the mushrooms my girlfriend brought back from amsterdam sat- few bars with some mates from back home sunday- drinking from 2ish, then shindig monday- still up from sunday hopefully