Maybe we could photoshop that picture so its me and you at home, smiling and sitting watching 'property ladder'. The sheer joy on our faces eh
Sunday will be like an episode of shameless. The Thursday and sunday nights drop the bass are just supplying the sound for so i thought i would give them a plug. Its only friday i am not out. Wait till i have sorted out the P.R. for the Drop the bass Sounsystem then you will see promotion of melt like proportions.
Fri - Preparing for Saturday Sat - GGTT Sun - Recovering from what is gonna be a messy sat night, cant frickin wait :angel3: :cyber: :angel2: :spangled: :groovy: :chill: :angel:
Friday - Rachels cooking me a meal for my birthday. Saturday - Work then Shindig Sunday - Probs go and see a film.
nah mate, i couldent afford it at the time so we're going on a budget smoke tour - i've got a feeling tree's is gonna wipe me out for at least 4 days anyway we always manage to find a manky little rave when we're over there so i'll have my dutch fix. and score on the mush news. cant wait now