fri - 10.30am fly to amsterdam look around for a bit then find shrooms :groovy: sat - dunno in day prob, have a look around the place night time trance energy :wiggle: sun - try to recover to get back on plane and home to bed at 8pm :angel:
Today : Being in a raj Friday : Work then Habit Saturday : Work then Sisters Birthday party Sunday : Spurs Vs Mackems and then going to gf's parents for dinner oh the joys
Tonight - Pro Evo Marathon with mick & ben, few can's etc Tomorrow - Getting my hair cut, out round town for my birthday then James Holden @ Habit Saturday - Avin ppl round mine, drink, smoke, mix etc. . then a party in bens on the neet Sunday - same as always
friday work during the day then habit on the night saturday work during the day then freaky dancing on the night sun recover then staff training on the night
Fri - work then holden Sat - recover and not sure what else Sun - God knows but ill be looking forward to a whole week off
Tonight - nowt Tomorrow - work then cinema Saturday - out for lunch then to my mate's gig later on Sunday - college work then pub Not that I have money for any of this..
Friday - Work Saturday - Work then going out with someone special Sunday - Waking up with said person
Friday - work. Drink, drink, drink. Attempt to convince mates to go too Turbulence @ Wax On. Pose, drink, pose, dance, chat up ladies, drink, dance, gurn face off, get on tha poppers. End ov Saturday - Attempt bed / body interface for as long as possible before the need to get up becomes too much. Road trip with mates for another mates birthday. Drink, drink, drink the night away. Sunday - cough up a lung and feel sorry for myself until the excesses go away.