i think you'll find that was a hornet, which are surprising lured by the mystical draw of the trilby bee's, however, maintain a distinct indifference for all things trilby.
i know, i was just informing you of the trilby habits of all our buzzing friends jeez im bored... but only 2000 words to go and then no more assignments
i once killed a wasp shooting it with an elastic band...precision control ment I was able to fulfill my goal.. my mate said to me: 'look mate, u have no chance of killing it' I said... 'Don't worry silks...Ive seen the matrix'
i'll take that donkey shit eat malarky and raise you a, your a period drinking, placentay eating, sti gargling ponce badger
and i'll squat on your distended rectum-face and curl one off like its 1999 in your maom swilling, shirtlifter taking, abcess chewing never-shut-the-fuck-up pie hole. mo' fo'