wrong my gurn-ed friend... the air quality was shown to be worse in newcastle than middlesbrough in a recent government report. i'll try and dig it up if i've still got it. its due to the higher number of cars/transport in newcastle + industry might look ugly but its heavily regulated and cooling towers put steam into the atmosphere... not chemicals
i'll have a scooch but i havent a clue where my old uni notes are i might look on the net cos its bound to be around somewhere, plus it would be nice to call you lot smoggies for a change
do your worst mate, if it's clearing up like u said you'll have no problem seeing the monitor now, therefor ill give you a day to prove me wrong
haha bastard... here ya go pollution in last hour for middlesbrough pollution in last hour for newcastle so while boro scores fractionally higher in a couple of pollutants, newcastle has a wider range... if you look around theres some graphs that show longer scales too
this is true, but only slightly more and remember this is only the last hour, not over time... newcastle has the wider range of pollutants and is therefore contributing more pollutants into the atmosphere
you cant hide from those facts... im still digging as well so i might find some more for you oh you're spot mate, im not gonna dispute that... more people = more traffic which is the main contributer to air pollution and lowering air quality. plus i think some of the pollutants are higher on the figures i posted as its updating throughout rush hour traffic. its true to say that newcastle contributes more. i did see some other figures but as i said ive lost them in my piles of uni stuff, nevertheless im sure its on the internet somewhere
haha, remmber we have the industry too plus those figures are for newcastle centre, not the populous areas outside. think you're goon poll needs a new nana friendly face eh?