Agree with you there on that one man!! i hate fighting and dont believe its part of our scene .. but there come times when you have got to do it.I mean just because they have a Burberrys cap on, a sweater shop jumper , tracksuit bottoms and rockport shoes does not give them the right to start trouble!! lmao!!
theres no need to put yourself on the line like that in your fit state, come on allie, think straight
aye i remember a certain EC event ... akira involved? but you did have a bit more weight on ya then tho!!!
watch yer reputation allie, if you keep going like this being in the thick of all trouble im sure you will be looked upon as a troublemaker...
Yeah and then when some big musclebound meathead hard as fuck freak starts on someone, Everyone will expect you to sort it out Allie
Aii @ smog, yeah, but i cant be arsed to spent time faffing on with it, too much time and effort. , i got it off the back of a van..