i've come to expect sarky comments to my post's mate but come on thats pretty pathetic dude if your gunna do it doit right will ya at least then you might be entertainin my hater's in stead of boreing us ALL to death !
no beef man i'm beginning to enjoy our little banter battle m8 it just seem's your game's a little off shall i dumb down for you just for today ??
Edward son the only battle you should be taking part in is remembering to breathe in and out you Dooly
it's ok i have one of those self help tapes on my ipod on repeat as so to remind me leaving me the extra brain power to remember errr hmmmmm remember i'll get back to you on that one !
your attempts at humour are about as funny as a burning orphanage and as painful as self-circumcision with a pair of rusty scissors. fuck off you witless little shitweed.
and you are???? di you parent/gaurdian not teach you the old saying of "if you dont have anything nice to say don't say nothing at all" mind you i suppose not other wise your post count would be 5
acctually i signed up to talk to freindly outgoin like minded clubbers and for some reason endded up crossing path's with pathetic foulmouthed dicks like with nothin but school boy play ground taunt's to come back with !