aye i did like sumat to do i thought lol at some of the people asleep on the bus on the way hom charlie dribbiling that guy wiht the trout pout tom wiht his eys half open but actaully asleep lolim glad i was awake all the journey home
me too....I think I kind of blacked out the first 30 mins of the journey but then was awake for the rest !
I was sound me on the way back, i didnt think the bus was gonna blow up or that other people were controlling me like - nah nowt like that :spangled: The last pic on your camera Linzi - least i can vouch that it was done FOR the camera after your "John you fucking horrible bastard" comments BTW > The ulcer situation is still the same - am struggling to eat me dinner as am on here
to be fair the foto of your feet didnt turn out so i have a good set of fotos thinking of x10 up tonihgt just to show you there a crease mate you now i love you imjust so happy we finally told people i dont get ulcers just the roof of my mouth is so driw i was in tears trying to eat yesterday moring
There's one of me and Purvy at the end as well, think he ran out of 20p pieces to slam into the slot machine for me cock eyed'ness... Thats one that i put on for ya
Did u get any warnings from the photo shop, saying that its probs a regualr occurance in Boro :laugh: