Aww it's a shame that. I haven't heard Disco Cop in years, it hasn't even got one vote! 'La La Land' is still winning though, although' Another Chance' is a close second... Keep voting, this is getting interesting
Doubt half these kids laugh remember disco cop!! Remember wen Jules was gud...used to cain this!! Fond memories
Ooooooooooo its 6 votes each now!! PS. Vote for another chance and you can av a private dance with me!! Ask GoalKing - they're the best :laugh: :laugh:
If you dont want them to have the same amount of votes...*cough* I can see to that. :laugh: :laugh: lol! Nah - Jimmy has agree'd to play blue adonis so makes sense to play Another chance last Gotta do it this may not get another chance to do it!! :blush: