John the tune robber...yeah man you can av it..trancy stuff aint floating my boat @ the mo, you can lend it with the last lot I gave you. James holden mix I think got it yonks ago
Tune vagabond If ya wanna make some ££ im sweet with ya selling it - im not gonna go in the huff or owt Il grateful ya lent me them - "V One - Dead Cities" now thats a fucking TUNE to get me room rocking like Crasher.......
Its Circuit Boy feat Alan T - The Door The Corvin Dalek Creme De La Face Mix is the one that Corvin plays
hmmm, i think i prefer the club mix myself! im goin off yahel stuff @ the mo. sugar one aint that good either i dont think....
excellent cheers mate just ordered off juno!!! another tune i just thought of last night - welcome to the discotheque!!
Does any one know where i could get hold of: Depeche Mode-Find Myself (Lexicon Avenue Remix) Apparently Depeche Mode don't like it so it only went out as a promo. Dunno why cos its ace!
Flying would be yr best place to ask for that. bud. Duno how anyone can dislike something done by Lexicon Ave mind.
I wouldnt mind : Johnny Shaker - Pearl River Jans Van Houten - Heavens gate *Spelling* Got outbid on Ebay today for it
R u sure u got So Much.... in HMV Karl? This tune is amazing. If anyone finds where to get it post here!!!
actually think im mistaken 4 tomas bangelter (spellin) together think ur on about another "why must we live alone when we could live together, together, ggeeeetthhherrrr" u know the rest lol its on roule n all is it a new version with more words on like?