In less Greek, a trojan is a piece of software that can allow full administrative rights to your computer remotely. Basically, once it's on your pc, some geek from Russia could control your pc. Probably the most famous trojan of recent times is the Sub Seven trojan. Not very nice. Typically used by "script kiddies", rarely used by the hacker elite, unless of course they write their own to allow them easier access to a remote system.
It doesnt say. :spangled: It gives its location, somewhere in Programme Files. But it doesnt say exactly where. Gives a huge number and thats it. Hasnt flashed up since I started this thread tho :spangled:
dont connect to the internet on startup, ctrl-alt-delete and find the trojan program through that, right click to find location, end task, delete. then run a full system scan, use ad-aware or some kind of tool to recheck. if u cant sort it out manually, backup non executable files and format.