I like listening to trance at home and in car but have gone off it in clubs. Much rather see someone like Sasha or Howells work the club with tunes I've never even heard of most of the time
Re: Re: trance is shit stop being such an internet clubber... get out and listen to some live sets nass!
Re: Re: Re: trance is shit Thanks for the advice, i've already done something about it. I went to Baja last night Excellent venue, good fun, more fit lasses, shit music
Re: Re: trance is shit I know what you mean. Techno comes into its own in a club with a class DJ. Trance is a bit formula like - one record plays, then into the next. With techno you always feel that they're almost creating the music as they go
i have an idea.....make a mini disc to give to laim (why i don't know) in it have sumbliminal msges telling him he likes hard trance (same theory as friends & joey telling chamdler in the stopping smokin gepisode to make him cheese sandwiches) & ta da.....
Re: Re: Re: trance is shit Exactly! What they are playing is only the half of it.. they use FX mixers (i think!) and fiddle around quite a bit - usually sounds good.
Re: Re: Re: trance is shit well said, trance is to much end to end mixing. Techno DJ's use lock grooves & efx to create their own sound. mixing tools and technical skills sre a must, even a monkey can learn to beat mix given time