so, charvers are a race too? anyway, i thought you WERE trying to take over the world? you're enfocing your OWN stereotype! you're a RACIST against your OWN religion?!?! does your dad know u go out fridays? phah. and i looked up to you....
Traditionally, gypsies were a race. From Wikipedia: In ethnography: Roma people, an ethnic group in Southern and Eastern Europe, Western Asia and the Middle East Romani language, their language Kalderash, the most numerous of the Roma people, traditionally smiths, from the Balkans, central Europe, North America Sinti, a Roma people in Germany, Austria, Italy, etc., also known as Zigeuner or Zingari Romnichal (Rom'nies) (mainly in Britain and North America) Gitanos or Ciganos, a Roma people in Spain, Portugal, and southern France
I rarely go out on friday nights - I semi-observe the shabbat Charvers are youth culture, romani gypsies are a race.... it has nothing to do with choice.
I hate the hoppings, its more the fact that the moor plays hell with my hayfever rather than the amout of pissed charvs!
they have a choice not to steal my 501's off mi washing line cause they camp on the waste ground down by the ship yard oh, i know they did it
in fairness though Joe, most people won't know about the history of gypsies. It's a sterotype that is being used here. Your objection is that it's "racist" Whereas my objection is referring to all showmen as "thieving gyppos" as its a load of crap.
have you played HOOK A DUCK recently? it's FRAUD aimed directly at KIDS?!?!?! it's like adverts for kids - but atleast they're regulated! nevermind that 'chuck a hoop over a block to win a fiver' game....
I really cant believe ppl think we being racist by calling ppl gypsies it's part of our fucking history
It was for calling people 'gyppos', not gypsies. In the same was that 'Paki' is deemed an offensive term, where as Pakistani isn't.