Stepping away from the RPU's for a second here, on ADSL (not cable) if your upload is running at 30/k a second and that's the limit, then your download speed will be impaired. My torrents now regularly get high download speeds if I limit my upload in bit tornado. On direct connect I can only download at a maximum of 6k when this happens, although bit torrent seems to handle it better.
i agree to much upload bandwidth can impair yor download speed but ive fond when i limit my uplaod to 15 or less then it sucks the juice out of my downloads
normally have a little 'p' on the same line as the name, or when you click on the link and it expands it might say, also it might simply have password in the name lol, they can be a right faff on sometimes
lets not forget the digital punkbuster version 1.0 melt edition settings. You might need that on full