cos i'm driving so i can get home tonight after it has finished...i'll try my best, will just get high on coke! i have to go...i ahve Kens keys, he's coming to mine after & atm i wanna spend as much time as i can with him cos he goes home for good a week on mon (& he goes to scotland 2moro til fri)
never do owt n drive...& that stuff ameks me really ill.....wud rather stay sobre than spend my afternoon puking up!
hehe...sarcasm is the lowest form of wit my dear & as far as i'm aware ur missus does a lot of ferrying round with u....i think u should buy her a bottle of pop 2nite as well as the donuts! aye, tisn't good at all...ain't had any since last dec & won't ever again...i spent my nite in the toilets puking up instead of enjoying myself!
Sorry mam!!! I will buy the pop!! Oh well, if it's doing that to you then best stay off it. I am aswell!!
i know u or cookee thought i had somethnig to say but ffs i wasn't that young when i started having sex! yup i've turned into a good girl, except for :chill:
i drove once while drunk... not good... eneded up in tall tree's car park an the grass. Never again!!!