Going for a few drinks then to the match. Then a quick post-match drink followed by a night in watching the telly.
where do u go??? :spangled: :spangled: :spangled: sunderland is CLASS on a thursday and hardly full of lil kids?? (unless u goto idols?!?! )
haha. thers always loadz of kidz out and charvas. altho i suppose u cud still hav a gud nite, al depends who ya wiv. i went last week wiv michael n wigan chris off the board n that was an ok nite.
can u please retract that comment then?? ALL the bars are not full of kids, but the ones that are u have just named every one!!! that aint places u go is it??? white rooms, chase, luma, ttonic, varsity, lambton worm etc,.... decent places everywhere has their places full of kids, newcastle included
i think the places you's go have already been mentioned and thats why yas see all the kids!!! hehe - need to stay away from that end of town, its shit!
eleven (not all the time tho as u say) gate van mildert aphradite (sp??) not always the best but sumtimes gud if u just want cheap and chearful then u got.. h&m topman river island they ok now n then! tbh a dont think newcastle is much better (if at all) loads of times go thru there n come back empty handed!
i hardley go 2 the twn anymore. but wen i do we only eva go in, like chase, innfusion or sumwhere round ther.