tiesto is totally on form @ the moment....he is class!!! lol @ poor mans PVD, they are totally different.... NU-NRG are the poor mans PVD!!! tiesto is awesome, chesk out that set from audiobeats that i posted about if u dont believe me!
this thread is confusing the life outta me!! but think i've got the jist of it kkinda of...sumones brother came on the computer logged on as them n started saying loads nasty shit bout tiesto cos he wouldnt sign afiver 4 him.... is dat rite plz sumone correct me if im wrong!! but god i reeli wish ppl would give dj's a fucking break they're gonna be absolutely knackered afta playing their set n they cant be expected to stand there for hours signing autographs or even sign autographs loads when they're djing cos they've got to concentrate, bless em they get th eabsolutel life harrassed out of them n u cant blame em if sumtimes they dont wanna sign an autograph... hav only kinda met tiesto the once afta he was on at *ahem* the union but he was one of the friednliest luvliest dj's evan stood there 4 bout 20 mins afta talking to ppl n signing autographs bless him so mebbes he was just a bit tired or feeli poorly that day when he neva signed an autograph!! djs are human beings too u know!! xxxx
That doesnt mean it was the BEST set tho, he was the warmup and though he wasnt bad and waved at me (lol) it wasnt the best of the night
AMEN PS it was a lad logged into his mates account and yes it was about a fiver, think Nats mate wants to get a grip really
as is jules!!! the most fashionable person in the showbiz world!! (aside from corvin of course kezz!!) xxxx
Yeah, my kid let "cyber monkey" on my pc, said sum nasty things and started this poll!! Also personally i thought Scot project did best set @GK5th B-Day