Thieving politicians

Discussion in 'News & Current Affairs' started by Willa, May 20, 2009.

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  1. Dan

    Dan Registered User

    Jan 2, 2007
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    Werent you complaining about benefit frauds a few weeks back though Pike?

    This is the same thing but on a much, much larger scale. Whats that advert go like?

    No ifs, no buts!
  2. Congay

    Congay Registered User

    Aug 22, 2002
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    like mos said theres different levels here, the plain fraud (non-existant house claims) and what you lot (the unwashed) consider ridiculous spending 18k bookshelfs and moat cleaning, i couldnt care a less for the latter these guys work for bettering the country on low wages the guy with the book shelves was retiring and was taking his LIFES WORK of books from his offices in parliment and wanted to store them for future refernce for himself and current working MP's... it would be like displaying the Mona Lisa on Rossys bedroom wall if they didnt get a grand bookshelf FFS...

    The plain fraud is fraud and deserves the headlines but most of this is hype and i love the way the mps are dealing with it hahha "its been cleared DEAL with it" :lol:
  3. BRID

    BRID Has name in red. Staff

    Jan 31, 2003
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    Ever changing
    When the government ever come knocking at my door about anything i owe them, im gonna say it was all down to 'an administrative error'.

    I know exactly whats going to happen over this scandal. NOTHING.

    A few people will be the fall guys, like the speaker of the house (er.... WHY) and a couple of non important MP's for places you dont know or care about.

    .... meanwhile the GOVERNMENT stays in charge. Who would have thought it.

    And very soon, the tories will get in power. The colours and names will change, but the GOVERNMENT will still be in power, doing what it always does.

    If i wasnt such a lazy, apathetical keyboard warrior, i'd be on the streets with a black beret on and a placard.

    I think i'll go and complain to next doors cat instead.
  4. MistaK

    MistaK Modulations Staff

    May 18, 2007
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    The Beach
    the UK government are really good at spin, as soon as the independant told the Labour press office they were running the story, and there was so much solid evidence to support it, they would of had a comprehensive media plan to move things along slowley and measures in place to soften the inevitable blow to the party. The fall guys probably would have been pointed out while they were planning such things.

    To an extent that's why i dont vote properly. Everything that politicians do is carefully orchestrated, planned out and in some cases made up in an office by someone who is in an office somewhere else. I would regard the spin doctors and media cheifs of the labour party to be the true rulers of what we see and hear in regards to our government.

    Last month proved to harsh for them, and Damian McBride walked out of office because he couldent handle the masses of shite that was falling upon PM Brown, which i find COMPLETELY fucking hilarious! :lol:

    I'd love to work at the press office for a week, just to see the constant look of fear in all of their faces :lol:
  5. Willa

    Willa Registered User

    Dec 7, 2006
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    No you wouldn't if you had any principles. If these politicians actually had the peoples interest at heart, those people they are supposed to represent, then they would take a long hard look at themselves and get to a point where they feel they were taking the piss too far. Surely they could see the money being wasted on plasma tv's for their spare room in their four bedroom second home could be put to much better use i.e healthcare, employment, social housing, education, transport? After all that is why its taken off us every week/month. If we can't trust them with taxpayers money how the fuck can we trust them with running our country? In essence they are bighting the hand that feeds them. Unlucky though as its coming back to bite them in the bollocks. Theres a contrast between the expenses though, alot of the politicians are straight up and done it the right way, its a shame none of them represent what i believe in though.

    Fuck me where did that come from? I'm getting old :lol:

    The laws need to be changed, sharpish.

    And whats fishface on about? Thats a different context altogether.
  6. MistaK

    MistaK Modulations Staff

    May 18, 2007
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    The Beach
  7. Willa

    Willa Registered User

    Dec 7, 2006
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  8. MistaK

    MistaK Modulations Staff

    May 18, 2007
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    The Beach
    thought ya meant me for a minute since my rant was completley off topic!

    was planning a shields shuffle showdown for a second :wink: :lol:
  9. Willa

    Willa Registered User

    Dec 7, 2006
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    I suppose you could have taken it as you, what with the post directly after yours and you living near the sea and all that........

    But your post made sense. Anyways i'm not one for violence mate, pick on someone your own size, i think his name is batman :lol:
  10. MistaK

    MistaK Modulations Staff

    May 18, 2007
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    The Beach
    haha, little does he know i'm middleweight champion of my street.
  11. MistaK

    MistaK Modulations Staff

    May 18, 2007
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    The Beach
    not to mention sheep shearer of the year 2007, he's got problems heading his way :wink:
  12. forks

    forks still not dead

    Nov 21, 2005
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    hurtling towards nirvana
    what's all this about MP's being low paid?
    what utter bollox
    £64000 a year basic with everything found and their wives and kids on the payroll. Generous pension 135 days a year off work, free trips abroad.......
    they are COINING it
    And conning you lot into believing they are hard done by.
    they are in the top 5% of wage earners. And still they have to stuff their fat noses in the trough for more of our money.
    They don't represent you they just vote as they are told to by the government for fear of losing their places on the gravy train
    spineless greedy self serving bastards
    they should be on the national average wage not a penny more and then they might have some sort of incentive to try to improve things.
  13. MistaK

    MistaK Modulations Staff

    May 18, 2007
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    The Beach
    Ho forks!

    i dont think any of us think they are hard done by - at all for that matter IMO. however i know your a bit of a lefty so i'll let your agro lie :wink:

    there was a time when i was under the impression that politicians were actually there to make a difference for the community and actually press for changes that the people actually wanted. this i found out, is of course not true for about 80-85% of the time, also a few years ago i learned of the heavily orchestrated way in which the PR was done, which i also thought - yes its clever, however its not really the way things should be done to conclusivley state that the people we are relying on are 'honest' (in which they arent about 80 -85% of the time), and seem to be victim (i use that word VERY loosly) to a a stream of ebelishment of the actual truth.

    When this story first surfaced i wasnt really that surprised of it. i read some time ago on how this has been going on for quite some time, and in the middle of last year peter obourne outlined this expenses fiasco without anyone blinking an eye! not to mention my horrendoesly left wing english literature lecturer banging on about it somthing rotton last year (the type that drinks 90 expresso's a day, reads private eye religously and takes things far too seriously - while trying to read and pass thought on 30 conspiracy theories for that matter)

    however it's not surprising that people didnt see or hear about this text with a certain filter on information that is indeed our current government. :wink:

    As far as i'm concerned, as soon as anyone you vote for comes to power, you will be utterly dissapointed in the end.

    i mean, come on, every government doesent like to tell everything to the the public - then they'd be on the same level! i remember when konami had a right faff on for 'Metal gear 2' because it pretty much detailed what the current US government wanted to do anyway! (in terms of data control, not blowing up nukes 2 miles above new york :lol: ) thats mad control IMO.
  14. BRID

    BRID Has name in red. Staff

    Jan 31, 2003
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    Ever changing
    With the exception of a very very scant few, most politicians in my opinion are there for no other reason than the fact they have sociopathic tendancies, or other personality/mental issues. What else would drive a person to think they have the right, or even the SUBSTANCE to tell or force other people what to do with their lives .... Does going straight from public school into office give ANYONE any kind of qualifications to judge how to manage things in the real world? I cant imagine anything more ARROGANT than to have someone actually think they are in any position to assert authority over other people.

    We are the pawns in THEIR game of chess. Do you REALLY believe that these people give a toss about you?

    People can argue left, right, centre all they want. Its a lovely distraction to keep the dumbed down and apathetical masses like us in a tizz amongst ourselves while the people who are ACTUALLY in charge, keep on doing what they have always done.

    Margret Thatcher even wrote in her book after being kicked out (Called 'The New World Order' funnily enough) that the REAL government goes about its business without the distraction of what we THINK is in control, and all the bollocks with party politics and 'voting' (haha thats a nice one).

    The public are no more than a bag of bones bovine host to a pack of engorged ticks, lice and fleas.
  15. MistaK

    MistaK Modulations Staff

    May 18, 2007
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    The Beach
    not individuals, but they do care what the masses opinion of them is.
  16. forks

    forks still not dead

    Nov 21, 2005
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    hurtling towards nirvana
    they don't give a flying fuck about what people think about them - only excepting where they think it might affect their chances of getting re-elected back onto the gravy train.
    The party system is the root cause of most of the problems. If the person elected by us had to actually stand as an individual, saying what he/she thought about things and listening to the views of the electors, and truly represented us then we might have something resembling a democracy.

    As it is we have a president in all but name who is not elected directly as happens in other countries. A head of state who is there cos her dad was it before her (you couldn't make it up really) A second chamber composed of ex-government lackeys, yes-men, donors to the ruling party and aristocrats and bishops ( you couldn't make that up either)
    We have representatives in parliament who do nothing to rock the government boat, who vote as they are told to even when they disagree, spineless cunts
    And a government who rule in the interests of the rich, global corporations, the USA and the defence industry, who's members are picked by the 'president' without reference to anyone else and who therefore supinely agree with everything he proposes.
    And a Civil Service that is mainly skilled at building huge bloated departments taking on staff and eating up resources to achieve fuck all at vast expense to us.

    The ONLY weapons we have against this shit is the ballot box, the press and protest.
    Anyone who doesn't vote or educate themselves about the system or join protest movements has no right AT ALL to moan about the system.
    I disagree totally with pike about most things but at least he is engaged politically. Non voters should shut their traps and keep their heads down and pay their taxes with a smile.
    Thank you
  17. forks

    forks still not dead

    Nov 21, 2005
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    hurtling towards nirvana
    There is one politician at least who is straight and that is Tony Benn. He says what he thinks and means what he says

    Five questions he says should be asked of any powerful person: "What power have you got? Where did you get it from? In whose interests do you use it? To whom are you accountable? How do we get rid of you?"

    That is all you need to ask anyone in authority over you.

    he also said, which is a great quote

    "There is no moral difference between a Stealth bomber and a suicide bomber. They both kill innocent people for political reasons."

    Im not one for heroes but he is one of mine
  18. BRID

    BRID Has name in red. Staff

    Jan 31, 2003
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    Ever changing
    Of course they dont care about what people think about them ... if thats the case then alot of the 'exposed' MP's in recent days would have all quit - especially some of those poisoned harpies at Gordon Browns side.

    ...... Until of course its election time, and they will do everything it takes to get your vote.

    I dont vote, and im proud of it, for the fact that i dont want to take part in a game where the outcome has already been pre-decided and the teams taking part have already been picked........... Its like betting on grayhounds in the east end of London - A waste of time cause its all FIXED.

    The cunts on the left, or the cunts on the right ...... hmmmm .... now which one do i pick? ;)
  19. forks

    forks still not dead

    Nov 21, 2005
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    hurtling towards nirvana
    pick the ones that won't get in. Otherwise you are silent and they take that as approval.I know we can't change anything but I don't think we should go quietly

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