It's one of my faves. Payed £36 for an uncut EC Entertainment version from Holland two and a half years ago. If you do see it, watch an uncut version, not the shitty Vipco DVD release which you get in the UK (which is cut by over 5 minutes). If you want to see a sick film which is available uncut in the UK, I suggest Salo O Le 120 Giornate Di Sodoma (Salo, or The 120 Days of Sodom). Available in the World Cinema sections of most good retailers (it is art apparantly )
I saw this in the Tyneside Cinema a few years ago when the BBFC rereleased it...I knew it was going to be shocking but... Mind, if you are going to watch this, be prepared to be shocked you can't be prepared for the torment on offer here... Trouble with this film is, if your gonna cut it, which parts are you going to cut...almost every secne contains shocking elements, think that's how it was released uncut, start to cut it and you will have nothing left.
a classic in it's own right. only recently released in this country after 25 years or so. Bought it on DVD for a friends leaving present. as a joke. we had to watch it first. not as bad as i thought it would be. but very bad. so so so bad.
It is in Italian and subtitled, therefore the BBFC thinks the uneducated masses won't be interested in such a film. As you can see in the image, only those in the know would consider watching it. Plain white cover, world cinema section, Italian - Are the working class really going to be interested? I hate that attitude! A film such as I Spit on Your Grave, which is equally as sick, is cut by over 15 minutes as its in English, easy to follow, and considered a horror film (we are so easily led, we will copy what we see on screen, apprantly). Damn the BBFC!
It's the Daily Mail's fault really... Mebbees in a coupla years the BBFC might finally relax it's attitude to the horror genre, doing the same thing it's done with porn (woohoo ). Until then I'll just carry on watching my grandads snuff movies...