Looks a bit mad like, I think i’ve seen one of those faces of death type things years ago. It showed u someone being electricuted. Not my cup of tea like, have u seen The Wedding Singer
They make me laugh! Cannibal Holocaust is one of THE funniest films ever! You've gotta see Boy Meets Girl for pure comedy though btw if anyone hasn't realised I've got a warped sense of humour now's your chance :evil:
Oh, and if anyone caught The Wicker Man on telly, go out and buy the directors cut on DVD... even MORE nekkid Britt Ekland :inlove: :worship: :bonkers:
Watched this last night. Not really scary but has a better plot than I thought. The last scene is horiffic though - one of those scenes you just can't get out of your head
A girl is reported missing on a remote scottish island,a policeman goes out from the mainland to invesigate. Everyone on the island is weird and are basically in a cult. The copper suspects that the girl has been hidden to be sacrificed at a festival these people are holding. But it turns out that everyone on the island is in on a plan to capture this copper to sacrifice him. They lead him over a hill and he sees a huge Angel of North type statue thing made out of wicker. He is forced to stand in the middle of it then they set it on fire and he is burned alive. Thats the end, certainly not a happy ending
Aye, the fact that he knows he is going to have a terrible death and that he played right into their hands, he basicly tied his own noose. Real horrorshow.
The scene where he comes over the hill and sees the Wicker Man and knows he's going to be burnt alive is horrible
Burnt alive - this has to be the worst way to go we've just had an email round this AM about the perils of drink driving, it's a true story by the look of it. It shows a lovely yound girl in various pics with her family etc., then she was in a car crash, she was hit by a drunk driver in USA and was burned allover for 45 seconds. She is still alive now four years later and her family care for her, but you can imagine how she looks, even after countless operations. I almost cried at the pics Thus the burnt alive angle takes on added horror.
Can Hol is the best of the horror/gore flicks that came over from Italy in the early 1980's. It's well filmed, played straight with decient performances, is shocking...and has a lovely soundtrack
Pick up the uncut verison off Ebay Jim, it's the only way, go the "whole hog" to speak, then eat the hog afterwards