I dunno what lagoon it had crawled out of but I really didn't want it going near me. I'm glad Rachel was there otherwise it would of went for me aswell.
Next time ill make sure i take a lass with me then. It sensed the horror on my face and did what predators do.
It definitely wont be gay only, theyll probably have door pickers and just let people in who they like the look of
Just been looking on the Newcastle Council licensing website and there is a load of applications for the Powerhouse and a place called Gossip to be able to sell booze until 11am on Sundays This coud be a pretty positive step to get rid of 4am closings....can the north east faithful handle it though
it is getting a 6am licence in powerhouse every sunday morning then gossip is opening 4am-10.30am playing hard dance :O) http://www.newcastlegay.co.uk/viewNews.php?id=28