my reasons for being sick of the french are... they will not abide by anything that has beneficial implications for the british. they also think that we should give more to europe and pay out larger amounts of cash to airbus just so we can keep building the wings. not forgetting the vichy government that turned on is own people and sided with germany. french cars fall to peices, starting with the dash board the list goes on
read about these two characters, Pierre Laval and Joseph Darnand. true heroes of the french people. once chirac's out of power hopefully france can start to retain some dignity and become a helpfull member of the EU instead going against it.
i hope thats a joke. i dont want to be governed by Brussells but i expecially dont want to be governed by washington
lmfao, aye if theres a nation of people i can detest asmuch as the french then it has to be the americans. fucking glory hogging, 'hollywoods the truth', bunch of cowboy powermad arseholes. theyre still living in the wild west man. believe that its ok to shoot someone cos theyre tresspassing. i cant believe that they still sentence people to death. the bible bashing god pushing wankers.
while we are at it i hate the italians, spanish, irish, Potugeese, Germans and people from the small island of yippe zandi
aye, i heard they end up 'saving the day' or becoming heroes or somet at the end. i was expecting some yank bashing but fro an american director / producer / writer i dunno why i expected it.
after the events of the last 3 year i wouldnt want to travel to an islamic nation. they'd put dog shit in me food