God I said fluffe looked like Anne Savage on Friday when I was fucked. Its funny reading everyone's msgs to say that she doesn't lol. I can only remember her hair so that must have been like it - I think :spangled:
Re: Thanx every1 I wasnt there, had to go out with work, damn, boring Will be there prob this Fri or re-opening week Look out for me, am with Maverick the normally
it was a weird phaze everyone i went out with last year went through.. my house in jesmond once housed an entire boxing ring made out of tin foil.. with super size gloves to boot! our local post office used to be raided at 6am every sat morning and we'd come back with about 10 rolls of tin foil.. some amazing sculptures were created but sadly all ended up being used as ashtrays or in the bin sidenote: duncan aint my young'un he is actually a year and a half older than me! p.s. hiya fluffe, think we met on fri.. you was in the pink i think? i was very pissed, can't actually remember if i talked to u or not, think i definately talked to your lil sis though.
I think it's beautiful that muzik can bring people together in love like this. Or are you all just looking for sex?