like how u line a baking tray in the blink of an eye!! funniest thing was when confuzzled turned up to pick him up and i says "ur youngun certainly entertained last night!" his reply was, "U didn't give him any tinfoil did u?" i was like "no, he went to the spar and bought it himself!!!"
I am obsessed with banana's not tin foil. OMG what an idea a banana made from tin foil. I'm a genious
I'm glad you cleared that up for me. I think there are alot of dissappointed people out there now. Never mind Look forward to see this amazing outfit. Don't forget the swords and the shields and all the other stuff you made See ya soon
I don't think i will be wearing it. Although it seemed like a good idea at the time wearing a tin foil suit to promise seems kinda stupid now.
Pretty sure I didnt speak to ya on Fri. ( not 100% like cos I seem to be missing an hour or so :spangled: ) If not - hello anyway!
Jayne - I dont eat the banana's i open em. Duh Emma - No chance but i am wearing some silver trouser's so will they do?
But a tin foil banana would nack if you have fillings. Your signature reminds me of the Taucher night at Promise, am I REALLY the only one who thought that was absolutely mint?!?!
I don't eats the banana's. How many times do i have to say it. And how fucking good is that tune. You dont know what it is called do ya?
OK they'll do, but I think you should put your super hero outfit made of tin foil on with all it's accessories and have a photo taken just so we can see this amazin outfit.
There is a camera some where with pics on it i think fitzy has it. I am just waiting for him to contact me to tell me he has em done then i will get em posted as soon as i can
Why aye it's from about 1996 and it's called "Child of the Universe by DJ Taucher! I have it on vinyl but unfortunately it doesn't have the vocal's in, just the bloke doin his opera bit and even more unfortunately and more to the point I dropped the vinyl out of a car window at speed- it still plays like but VERY crackily!! I do eats the bananas! So a tin foil one would displease me. Although now I think of it, I dont have fillings.