I love summer. I always seem to have better laughs with my mates, better nites & days out. I love wearing light clothes and not being lugged down by jumpers and big coats. I love the beach And slushes and lollies. I love sunbathing and having water fights! And playing plastic cricket in cyber at 8am in my garden!!! lol Yes, roll on summer
Terri, very artistic side! That wud be good 2 draw actually...if there was any fucking sun to look at...
Banning the taxi Q and walking home from Promise as the sun comes up. Nothing better than staggering home while ur ears r still ringin' with a handful of flyers and an empty wallet. Wicked.
MM totally agree the thing is I dont really like pineapple on its own but mixed with vodka is pure bliss With regards to what I think of when i think of Summer! Sitting outside a pub with a nice cold beverage! Orr the thought of summer
After reading all this thread I so wish it was summer. Everyone is in such a happier mood and everything feels so much better in life? Everyone having a joke around and all the light nights! Gives me more energy than these dark dungie nights. The only down side is being at work when is sunny as hell outside. Im going to save all my holiday this year and take none until the Summer and take them all then! Bliss! *she sighs with a tear in her eye* To be fair we have not had a really bad winter! Now that Ive said that watch the snow start comminn down! :