
Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Geordie, Jan 18, 2003.

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  1. shinysy


    Mar 13, 2002
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    Grimsville - Billingham - Near `Boro - GOTTA GET O
    I DO like big names `tis true (only if they play cool tunes though!), `coz it shows the promoter is making the effort for YOU - the clubbers to make a night/club as good as it possibly can be, not making large profits on cheapo DJ`s & laughing at ya`s (i`m not saying Mark does this, certainly not so! FAR FROM IT!), he also supplies the venue & thats where we come in, we are the final piece of the jigsaw in the club we provide the atmosphere & intimateness that makes it special, you feel that way about promise, i feel that way about a few clubs around the country, i`d love to feel that way exclusively about the `Shack but for one reason or another its never fulfilled its potential, it`ll always still have a special place in my heart, `coz i`ve had many good nights in there, but sadly its probably true that the best of them will be confined to the past:rolleyes: !!!
    One final word i wish the Empire had Richard Tulip as rezzie, he is CLASS, whereas Oli Faulkner, good DJ that he might be, tuneselection wise he sucks a*ss! Another reson the `shack is faltering is the nights dont get going till after Oli has come off & the main DJ has started.

    :) ShinySY!:)

    P.S will ask someone to point you out @ PaSSion on Feb 1st if you`re there, i`ll say hello!
  2. Yosef Ha'Kohain

    Yosef Ha'Kohain Registered User

    Nov 11, 2001
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    Big names don't mean a promoter is making the effort, it often means the promoter is copping out and taking the easy route a big name will predictably pulla big crowd... a commited promoter will week in week out work hard on bringing a quality ngiht every week not just once a month then having 3 mediocre nights.

    Just look @ Good Greef to see the perfect example of this, they never book big name dj's yet they're percieved by many as one of englands best clubs - they rely on an arsenal of quality ressies.

    I aint a fan of the big name dj's I much prefer a club I know will be consistantly quality :D
  3. Damocles

    Damocles Registered User

    Mar 18, 2002
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    Personally i don't care what ya's think of the shack i'm still gonna see digweed there.
  4. confuzzled

    confuzzled Registered User

    Jan 17, 2002
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    in love with annie
    digweed, whos he??? :p

    heard derick carter is on in april.. mmmmm :)

    tiesto, oakey, deep dish all booked as well.. as part of their decade of dance 10th birthday celebrations one dj megastar each month.

    should be interwestin ;)
  5. confuzzled

    confuzzled Registered User

    Jan 17, 2002
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    in love with annie
    not saying promise is to do with this, but...

    barry the goodgreef promoter when asked about why eddie halliwell was not playing the empire responded.

  6. Q TOY

    Q TOY Registered User

    Oct 4, 2002
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    Sorry if i have repeated what has already been said but i have helped flyer promise outside the Empire before. I think it was promise anyway.:spangled:
  7. confuzzled

    confuzzled Registered User

    Jan 17, 2002
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    in love with annie
    already pointed out we did this after lisa lashes. ;)
  8. Q TOY

    Q TOY Registered User

    Oct 4, 2002
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    I would wish i wasn't so lazy if it didn't take so much effort
  9. Yosef Ha'Kohain

    Yosef Ha'Kohain Registered User

    Nov 11, 2001
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    Thats where I think sugarshack lose it, they don't book dj's to compliment their club... they book names they know will pull a crowd... Promise on thew other hand use dj's they know will create the promise atmosphere:

    JOhan Gielen
    Mauro Picotto
    Scot Project

    Promoting a club isn't about booking big names - many nights tried this and went under.... Shack have lost the plot (thats if any of their dj's actually turn up ;) )
  10. Guest

    Emm! I've flyered for Promise outside The Empire before and they were sound.

    Promise isnt the only club which runs on a Friday, a little competition never hurt anyone.

  11. rachel

    rachel Registered User

    Nov 12, 2001
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    happy happy!! :)
    aawww my lord that oakey nite fucking hell!! me remembers that very well!!! was one of the bestest nites of ma life!! even though i fucking worship promise n its one of ma favouritest places/nites in the whole wide world, i dont think any of ma nites anywhere i've bin will come close to the way sugarshack used to be back in the day but i dont think thats particularly to do with the clubs themselves i think it was more to do with the fact that trance was at its pinnacle, as was cyber n the whole 'dressing up' to go clubbing thing n the atmposhere was unbelievable...!! also a completley different crowd used to be into clubbin than is now...or at least it seems like that mater where ya go now i dont think any club will be as good as it was back in 99...!! aaww the good old days!! :love: xxx
  12. shinysy


    Mar 13, 2002
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    Grimsville - Billingham - Near `Boro - GOTTA GET O
    smartie, mate all you wanna do is slag the `Shack off & promote Promise, fair play, but all you do is spout a bit of sense & a lot of crap, `Shack books "Cool" DJ`s that the promoters like, does`nt matter if all this goes over the heads of the punters & clearly does`nt work, i`d love it if the `Shack booked the aforementioned DJ`s, apart from Pricotto - the sonic distortion specialist!, we`ve had PVD (with BT live - The same night!) - but something happened on the night, he was down to play 3hrs. but ended up playing about 50mins. & has`nt been seen since - NOT GOOD!

    :) ShinySY!:)
  13. shinysy


    Mar 13, 2002
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    Grimsville - Billingham - Near `Boro - GOTTA GET O
    Nice one Rach. - You are fully qualified to speak out about the state of the `Shack `Coz you were there, Smartie SHUT UP - YOU WERE`NT!!!
    That Oakey night was amazing though, was`nt it?!?! - about the best night of many times he played, can you remember when he dropped "out of the blue" Literally out of the blue - the main riff came out of nowhere & the place went into uproar - i was on the podium & @ that moment there was`nt anywhere else on earth i`d rather have been - What am i saying, i was`nt on this planet!!!......Priceless memories - the `Shack @ its best & like you said unmatched as yet by ANY club in the north east & as good as ANY in the u.k!!! - I`d concede defeat & start listening to me, your friends & Rach Smartie - Promise is cool, but as yet has NEVER reached the heights that `Shack did - true, that is sadly in the past - but we have the memories, whereas you dont, making you COMPLETELY unqualified to make a judgement!!! So please stop slagging the place off with your increasingly unfounded arguments, `Coz you`ve no sense of history!
    Rach if you want a night that will make you feel that way again, try PaSSion club classics the w/e after NYE - its my birthday, i`ve been going the last 3yrs. & it rocks like no other night, i dont know if you`ve ever been to PaSSion @ the Emporium b/f, but in my opinion there isn`t a venue to touch it, tune after tune after tune, from trance`s greatest era, supplied by the one & only JFK & Marc west - you know you`re in safe hands, there is one in July aswell - you seriously want to check it out!

    :) ShinySY!:)
  14. Mr. Revel

    Mr. Revel Registered User

    Nov 12, 2001
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    blah blah blah...

    so what if the shack has been bigger.
    its no longer up there with the big boys....

    get over it...
  15. Yosef Ha'Kohain

    Yosef Ha'Kohain Registered User

    Nov 11, 2001
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    Sy who are you to tell me what I can and can't judge... I haven't been to marolyn mansons best gig - but I know I wont fucking like it you plank!

    Your either incredibly stupid or this thread has gone straight over your head.... My entire point revolves around everyone being entitled to their own fucking opinion.... who the fuck are you to tell someone they aren't entitled that opinion and that their wrong!

    I have been to shack on numerous occassions and never really felt @ home (even when it was at its supposed peak between 99-00), whether I've been to your favourate night is almost irrelivant - i'm talking in general and in general I have always prefered promise to shack - I am entitled to my opinion you numpty!

    True Shack have had some amazing nights - but every clubber has their own criteria as to what makes the perfect night. For you its big name dj's, dj's dancing with you and banners.... For me its the people the intamacy and the atmosphere a good club/dj combo can bring. Promise in my eyes has an atmosphere Shack has never had nor is likely to ever have. Many of my close friends disagree many of them agree.... But you have no fucking right to tell me I'm wrong - ITS MY FUCKING OPINION

    Rachel as for cybers they weren't a patch on the cybers of crasher, sundis, gods, passion, etc. there was a handful og them. And up and down the country there were far greater trance nights than shack... Just because you never experienced them doesn't mean they didn't exist!

    Now I hope you've got the message, where as you prefer shack - I prefer promise... We're both entitled to that opinion.... where you experienced some class nights @ shack that I never I'm sure I've experienced some amazing nights @ promise that you haven't.
  16. TheSpence

    TheSpence Registered User

    Oct 16, 2002
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    My best night at Empire wasn't even a Sugar Shack night!!. They had a night call Residence where each week residents from other clubs would be the guest DJs and the 1 I went to had Griff (Manumission) & a young Fergie (Sundissential). The place was rocking all night & then it exploded when Fergie played Lock 'N' Load (THE FIRST TIME I & MANY OTHERS HAD HERD IT). OH and it was live on TFM!!!!

    Shinsy - Did you ever go to the Sugar Shacks In The City @ Legends? They were the best midweek nights Newcastle has EVER HAD!!

    The Spence
  17. shinysy


    Mar 13, 2002
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    Grimsville - Billingham - Near `Boro - GOTTA GET O
    Smartie mate, firstly let me say you notice i never actually ever slagged off promise or got personal, you slag off the empire @ every opportunity & have now got personal, thats not what this is all about surely, you WERE`NT there from `94 -`00 all the time @ the `Shack so are NOT qualified to make a judgement, i`ve been to promise maybe ten times in the past 2yrs & my best nights would be PVD, Marco V./Eddie H. & Scott Project/Matt H. - PPL have told me this is promise @ its best - these nights were well cool, but not as good as `Shack has been in the past, it has obviously gotten to you, this debate, as you wont let it lie, no matter what evidence i present, now i`ve identified that all you wanna do is slag off your poor rival clubnight & get personal i`ve had enough, so thats the end of it for me - NUFF SAID! - I guess that wont be the last of it from you though ;) !!!

    ;) ShinySY!;)
  18. shinysy


    Mar 13, 2002
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    Grimsville - Billingham - Near `Boro - GOTTA GET O
    Something positive at last, for that i salute you, went to residence when Nick rafferty was on, it was cool but not well supported, pity the night ended, never tried `Shack @ legends i`m afraid, never had a car back in them days, but heard it was cool....

    :) ShinySY!:)
  19. Yosef Ha'Kohain

    Yosef Ha'Kohain Registered User

    Nov 11, 2001
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    I've never ever slagged shack off... Just said I don't like it :p

    I wouldn't class any of those nights as the best promise (imo the best promise was mauro debut and I hate techno :D) I've been to shack more times than you've been to promise (all before 01) yet its fine for u 2 form an opinion of promise but I can't of shack?

    You see its swings and round abouts

    But at the end of the day different strokes for different folks :D

    till we argue again :D
  20. confuzzled

    confuzzled Registered User

    Jan 17, 2002
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    in love with annie
    si i don't think he trying to slag the empire off @ every opportunity. i wouldn't tolerate as a few off the other shack defectors on here wouldn't tolerate it either.

    i love/d the empire as much as you, its were it all started for me.
    like you said we've still got the memories, and we've all got opinions.

    all smartie has tried to say is that in his opinion, the shack in his experience isn't as good as promise. yours opinion is the other way round, its ok to disagree? :confused: ;)

    i've had amazing nights at both clubs, push came to shove i'd choose the empire back then as my favourite period.

    but the whole point is "its just a difference of opinion"

    the last amazing night i had @ the empire was the 8th birthday.. almost 2 years ago, i still go quite regularly i just see nothing improving. the re-fits in my eyes and many others have killed the atmosphere of that place along with a wayward music policy.

    anyway no doubt i'll see you at passion for pvd, and we can reminisce ;)

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