Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Sasha, Mar 1, 2004.
a gram a shag ok?
a gram a shag sounds gud 2 me! got sum 4 sale!
giv every1 a guess!
Still dont know
gram a shag.. deal... gram for me that is...
yeah but u gotta save me some pink stuff still!
thought you liked brown loving?
shut it and get your floor tidyed thank you
anyway who sed any of you knobs are allowed back?... me and jimmy are watching bambi?
fook avin the floor, the bed will do nicely!
Your ceiling needs re-plastering as well
stu - i'll lose u before the end... pike - i know.. there have been several complaints...
This is true, tears ahoy!
i sure cant loose u can i ya fat fooka! anyway il hav me own stuff with me
brotherly luv eh!
who did crasherkid shag?
He tired to mount me once, mistook me for Glazby
Separate names with a comma.