We're the best, my Mum's into this stuff too, she says Aquarius are wise beyond their years. Genius' and dreamers!
gemini are suppose to have two sides to there personlity, not split ones like me myself and irene style.
Aquarians are water carriers you tool!!you're not supposed to swim, thats fish ie piscies. I don't live my life by star signs they're just a bit of fun. i definitely don't think that the population of the planet can be split easily into 12 signs, however some of the things big books (that are in depth) say are quite interesting and do relate to oneself.
Wey hey im a libran as well ! Diplomaitic and urbane Romantic and charming Easygoing and sociable Idealistic and peaceable but the dark side is :- Indecisive and changeable Flirtatious and self-indulgent pretty true for me those like
maybe its the fact your trying to force him into a decision ? http://www.astrology-online.com/libra.htm
"What would you like for tea" "Ummm, ahhhhh, errrrrrrrr" *gives a few suggestions* "Errrrmmmm, Ummmmmmmm, errrrrrrrrrrrrrr" ARGGGGGHHHHH just make yer mind up
Blokes never no what they want for tea we just want food dam it woman now get to the kitchen and cook me some munch wench
Star signs and horoscopes are different things. I believe your star sign can say a lot about your personality, I don't believe they can determine what will happen to you on a day to day basis like in horoscopes.
You have certain things in your character that are determined by star signs. How you're character developes has to do with the way you live your life. And if you know your exact time and place of birth when looking up your star sign, you'll see that a lot of things in it will be acurate. Horoscopes are bullshit, because your character doesn't determine what you are going to do or feel a certain day.
Fair enough you don't believe in them. I suppose it's a matter of opinion, a lot of things in the world have no scientific explination. I'm quite a spiritual person and do kind of believe in star signs. Although I'm not saying they're definitely true, but I like to keep an open mind.