Thanks Hannah I searched me and it came up as: Pisces the Fishes February 19th to March 20th Mutable Water Ruling Planet - Neptune & Jupiter Rhythm, Liquids, fluidity, abstractions, escape, mystic, pretence, sleep, unworldly, acting, meditation, loss of boundaries. Sleep= that just describes me!
Taurus - Aries You enjoy bringing your sensible, practical solutions to Aries' ideas. Aries' enthusiasm brings a bit of excitement into your life. Taurus Calm and peaceful - until you have a disagreement. Then you both refuse to budge. Gemini You'd like to throw caution to the wind and join Gemini in their whirlwind existence, but you just can't. Their agile minds have you in a spin. Cancer Cancer will cook you a lovely big dinner and talk about making money. Bliss! You cope well with Cancer's fluctuating moods. Leo Do you have a taste for adventure? The proud Lion will shake up your well organised and stable existence. Virgo Another dependable soul with lots of common sense and similar values. You love their quick minds but not their health fads. Libra Your fixed ideas get a shake-up from the analytical Libra. You'll need all your patience as the Libran scales dip first one way then the other. Scorpio The inscrutable meets the immovable. Sagittarius This sunny character will lift your pessimistic moods with a few high jinks but you squirm when Sag rails against the establishment. Capricorn A fellow member of the dependability club, someone who understands your practical nature and shares your ambitions. Aquarius A bolt of lightning hits the deeply rooted tree. It makes its mark, the tree is changed, but it's still a tree.... Pisces If you can tolerate Pisces' world of illusion, it will bring sparkle into your life. There'll be disagreements about money and how to spend it.
Gemini - Aries Aries' enthusiasm matches your curiosity. A lively companion as you ride off into life's adventures. Taurus Resign yourself - once the Bull's mind's made up, they're immovable, however sweetly you talk or flutter your eyelids. Gemini There's not enough time for all the talking the pair of you want to do! Cancer When the Crab's gone into a silent withdrawal, you'll find plenty to amuse you. But you'll grow restless at the emotional agonisings. Leo Your charm and flattery makes you an excellent Lion tamer. But it won't prevent every Leonine lecture on the error of your ways. Virgo You can bounce all your ideas off of Virgo's sharp mind. You admire (and secretly need) their stability but all that talk of duty turns you off. Libra A great companion, someone who'll willingly talk into the night with you - but not much will actually get done. Scorpio The sexual magnetism's there - but your roving eye will push Scorpio into jealous rages. Sexual fidelity is a must. Sagittarius Dashing and daring, you'll fly to the moon together. Don't play clever mind games with Sag - the luck's on their side. Capricorn If you want Capricorn to be as lively and adventurous as you, you'll have to drag the Goat, kicking and screaming. Aquarius A stimulating companion, a great social life, but Aquarius' honesty and openness sometimes has you squirming. Pisces You're easily bored but Pisces keeps you interested by being a hundred different people in a day. Their emotions are confusing.
Cancer - Aries Aries' bluntness has you silently weeping and crawling into your shell but when you agree on something, you'll be the dynamic duo. Taurus A mutual benefit society. Taurus blossoms under your protective wing. You worry a little less with Taurus' broad shoulders to lean on. Gemini Gemini seems blithely unaware of all that worries and concerns you. But the Twins will coax you into the bright lights and excitement. Cancer Keep a big box of tissues handy. Leo If you can't help loving this incompatible creature, flattery's the only way forward. Leo's stern lectures reduce you to a quivering heap. Virgo Virgo offers peace, harmony, sympathy - and a large, clean hanky when the phase of the Moon reduces you to tears. Libra Libra's logical and analytical approach to problems doesn't take into account your feelings. Scorpio You're instinctively drawn to one another and have an almost uncanny understanding. A supportive relationship with mutual admiration. Sagittarius The tactless, outspoken Sag will wound you with words frequently but you might learn to laugh instead of crying. Capricorn Your opposite sign is practical, steady, cautious, determined - and hard to understand. Aquarius You never feel quite secure - Aquarius seems so emotionally detached Don't try to lead or guide the Water Bearer - it can't be done. Pisces You look into Pisces' eyes, like deep, dark pools, and see a soul who understands your fears, worries and sensitivities.
Leo - Aries A hotbed of passion leading to emotional storms that blow themselves out quickly. Someone to really enjoy life with. Taurus Bulls like the well organised and stable life they've carved out for themselves. You probably won't. Gemini You feel compelled to offer Geminis the benefit of your wise advice - and - unlike some signs, they'll smile charmingly while you do it. Cancer It would be hard to succeed with Cancer, who seems so helpless, but who ignores your efforts to help and goes their own way. Leo Who ever heard of two Lions ruling the pride? Virgo Virgos are too undemonstrative for you but there's much to admire. You'll get the best from Virgo if you frequently say so. Libra There'll be disagreements, especially when Libra's being indecisive, mostly The Scale's charm will keep you purring happily. Scorpio Scorpio gets mean and moody when you want to kiss and make up. You like others' admiration, but it sends Scorpio into a jealous rage. Sagittarius Harmonious and fun, fun fun! Life in the fast lane with never a moment's peace - until Sag's arrows of truth produce a stand-off. Capricorn You'll love guiding the conservation Capricorn to more exciting horizons. The Goat understands your need for prestige and status. Aquarius Aquarius has a way of not being there - in mind if not in body - when you want to shower them with affection. Pisces Here's a delicate creature who could flower under your protective guidance. But don't try to tie down this spirit.
Virgo - Aries Aries rushes into things without thinking of the consequences. If only they would stop long enough to listen to what you have to say! Taurus Taureans share your common sense, calmness and dependability even if they can't always match your meticulous standards. Gemini Gemini will shake up your world with their restless nature, but you'll find the ride enjoyable and stimulating. Cancer You feel relaxed with this mild and gentle creature who sees beyond your unemotional exterior to the sensitive heart beneath. Leo You like to serve, Leos like to be served. Sometimes you feel loved and protected, sometimes swamped and overwhelmed. Virgo You're both critical of the others' weaknesses. Don't forget they're your weaknesses too! Libra You've analysed the situation and found the solution - but Libra can't help muddying the waters by arguing for the other side. Scorpio There's an unwritten understanding between you - you're both hiding a sensitive heart and deep emotions beneath a calm exterior. Sagittarius You're a sensitive, delicate creature who finds Sagittarius too brash and noisy, crashing through life speaking the frank, honest truth. Capricorn Here's a soulmate who understands your love of order, who won't mess up a good conversation with emotive statements. Aquarius Aquarius has a vision for the future; you like to sort out today's mess. Your joint humanitarian approach could conquer the world. Pisces You're opposites - but Pisces brings a little magic into your world.
Leo Leos love flattery - and you're just the person to do it. Treat them like a king or queen and they'll be your love slave for life Chris my slave for life= im sorted! Seem a good match!
I think thats all of them Im well into horoscopes and all that jazz .... Goes hand in hand with being Wiccan
Aye whats funnier though: The fact that you think i wasn't kidding or That i got Tiger questioning the obvious?