July 7th 01 - The night the Driver LOVED it ! I remember seein him that night totally bolloxed and was thinkin WTF ?? - Turns out he was sound and just lovin every minute of it and got us home a hell of alot better than the fat cunt @ the weekend - ahhhh well *dreams*
GCSSS was awesome, it was the best event ive ever being too. Oakenfold was the higlight for me especially the end of his set totally mind blowing. Tidy arena was really good and yeah lee haslam was awesome one of the best sets ive ehard, was class when he dropped signum "what ya got for me?" Thought Armin was awesome 2. When he dropped seven cities omg! i would not have rather being anywere else then but gatecrasher! Thanks to everyone for making it so good, it was mint seeing so many people down there from promise!