not been funny or anyhting but anyhting that was put into your drink you would a) taste it b) possibly see the residue in there just think its canny hardsh you saying you were spike to be fair you may of just felt a bit faint or sumat not satying you wernt or out just ssems like ts highly impossible and if u were spike with ket or geebee there was no way that you could of got the bus home especically if you could feel the effects of it just think its canny weird
wtf?!?! yeah - fair play - it could have been anything but to the best of her knowledge, thats all she could associate it with... it's something we'll never know (short of blood tests) but i could tell she looked unwell, and when she disappeared i knew something was wrong... im at a loss as to how this makes her a loony? and i don't think it's a laughing matter, frankly.
its not very nice when someone is spiked! and its nothing that people like you should be laughing about!
come on read the thread, and read her topless thread about how shes gona pose topless and wants to know what everyone else thinks about it, yea of course shes really gona do it
Have you actually met her? as i pointed out - we can't say what it was - but she didnt look well and i would certainly like to think i know her well enough to say she wouldnt do that to me for attention?!?! i can see this developing into a pointless arguement and i'll take anything said in here personally, so on that note im going to leave it.
who are you? with wines/beers as far as i know the 'salty' taste you get in Geebee is practically cancelled out if its been in the drink long enough, if you're not looking for the altered taste you won't find it unless you're drinking water, and you're obviously not going to see geebee because its a clear liquid. The amount you need to put into an alcoholic drink to take someones legs away is minimal. Really dangerous