OH MY GOD! Did you not learn your fucking lesson last time you stupid little slapper! Don't let me remind you of how big a retard you made of yourself last time, when trying to argue that Spelling, Punctutation and Garmmar were instinctive. LMAO! My bad is common term used by millions of people... DO YOU REALISE HOW MUCH OF A COCK SUCKER you sound when making these tedious remarks... you don't look intelligent - you just look anal.
I was 18 when i left home n went 2 uni. iamian: i am concentrating 2 hard at work 2 apprecite sarcasm, bless me!
at least im not nasty! I just dont like the phrase my bad cos it sounds too american. I am not a slapper either so u can fuck off before u even start on that line if i were 2 sound like a cock sucker i think it would be a lot more like this: "My name is Joe and I am a bastard 2 people cos i have no friends and the only insults i can think of are sex related eg slapper becasue i think about it all the time cos i cant get any"
yes thats why she's on a message board for a club she regularly attends... (that was the sarcasm again snack )
Darling I'm embarrassed for you I called you a slapper cos your talking on a public messageboard about "who boned you" in the hope that you'll get some form of male attention. I'm not a bastard to people - I'm a bastard to iidiots... I just don't like them
I dont need to search 4 male attention on a msg board honey. I was asked if i got a shag this wkend and i said yes cos i did. Oh...and arent u giving me the attention u reckon i desire now?
yes snack, this is the kind of attention you wanted/expected when you started telling us all about your last fuck.
I dont seek attention im just relieving boredom at work, pretty similar to most ppl on here i would imagine.