2 young 2 be searching 4 the love of ur life honey! It is proper hard when u really fancy sum1 but know u cant have them tho...or when ur boyfreind of a year n a half scarpers to australia U'll get him!!!
oh my god! Sort yourselves out... jesus christ "I'm horny" do you realise how much of an attention seeking whore you sound? www.toysforuglyfuckswhocantgetlaid.com should keep you quiet for about 5 minutes. jesus christ its no wonder he wont go with you Snack - I prefered you when u were babbling shite on politics
I babbled about politics badly and today i am giving advice on boys badly! I love 2 babble badly it is fun
Also, i think talking about relationships, although not that enthralling, is still considerably more interesting than everyone putting up a post saying 'i'm bored'...'me 2'.......'im bored at work' etc etc
why are u sharing this with us? your still at school... your mother would kick u out the hosue if she read this!
ahhh bless... i was takin the piss i'm at work so i don't think it'd work if it is a site or not, so i haven't tried... i got mine from www.adultadventures.co.uk anyways cos they're cheaper from there...