The snow near my house is still fluffy, im at ades now, the snow here is slush!! and ive got the best sledge ever, its got a steering wheel on it, but i dont like the snow so i never use it, andyway, i think its at my brothers house, he still uses it, and hes nearly 22!!!
I just looked outside for the first time today and we have snow too. I wish it would hurry up and melt
Snow's mint. Don't diss the snow. 4 years ago I got everyone in my street out, mothers fathers grandparents kids - the lot - and we all had a huuuuuge snowball fight, fucking class day :groovy:
Snow is shit. As if it aint bad enough being cold it wants to be wet too. Can't wait for the weather to warm up. I hate winter Snow is shit X-mas is shit New year is shit I say delete the whole fucking season and the world will be a better place.
Well, to be honest I prefer summer (I love summer) but I do like the snow for a short while too Has its fun moments...
Thankfully the snows gone up here again now Been off and on the past 2 days settled a few times them melted again, lets just hope it doesn't settle over the wkend i hate snow esp when it turns to slush
YUK! Been out in the snow at work all night and had to walk home in it this morning! Roll on the summer!
it's been snowin gon & off again 2day!!! i wanna make angels in the snow like i did when i was a kid cos i can't go sledging cos my brother broke my sledge (the fat bastard!!!) apart from that i h8 fucking snow cos it makes driving a fucking nitemare specially when u have lots of hills where u live!!