When you come up with an insult does the thought cross your weak little mind to think about how the insult relates to who you are trying to offend?
basic why dont we find some of ur family and brick them or have they all dissowned u for being a fuckin loser and u just wouldnt care
sorry, didnt realise i wasn't allowed to post a message on the internets without it being an insult pmslol touched a nerve? you've touched nothing, other than small defenceless children, and maybe the occasional rabbit. that better for you?
thank god u thought of a reply was begining to get worried bout u thought u had gone soft never no i mite start touchin u next watch out im always watchin
most of it's going to be down south. devon and places. typical. us in the cold part of the country just get shit cold weather & crap transport problems. why was snow always ATLEAST 3 feet deep when i was a nipper in the 80's?