I love snow! I love snowball fights and snowmen and putting bits down my mams back :laugh: i do hate driving in it tho Luckily dont have a car tho
Im not a fan of the snow Although it was funny last year! Be class when it starts snowing and we all come out of foundation...
lovin the snow ive got a hellish pair of leather gloves mint as for snow ball fights coz ya hands stay dry and warm so i can keep thorwing the bad boys all day
its snowing in sheffield but cos its been raining for last few days its just turning into that shitty slush stuff
snowed for abit here last nite, turned into that slush shite tho! love the snow tho..ohh the fun! canny early for snow tho isnt it!?? xx
it happened in Feb didn't it? 3 feet of snow when we came outside... freaked me out! taxi drivers were pinballing from kerb to kerb.....
wasn't as bad as febs... it came out of nowhere! even with my beer jacket on, which is normally inpenetrable, i was freezing.... 5:30am snow angels in low fell didn't help..... sshhesshhh grown men and snow angels
snow ..... good points:- its not rain... snowballs , snowangels , pissing your name in the snow, snowpeople , the abobnimal snowman or wor ex as shes known, bad points:- nipples that could cut through glass,,, which actually also classes as a good point. falling over when drunk because of slipperyness .... oh fuck it snow riules let it snow let it snow let it snow ..... oh and it disguises dandruff