i'm not really being a pussy but wud rather not burn my throat....will cause hazards when eating crisps & talking!! i still occasionally have ice bongs but i'd rather put tequilla in them if out!!
u dont realise how bunged up your nose is till u take it...it makes u feel really nice and clears ur airwaves.
the vicks was quite nice, cheers vicks bloke the fuckin menthols are harsh on the throat after a while tho not had a fag since afterssential, i'm done......
ive never had one tab in my life - doesn't matter how wasted i get - as for joints well....quite strange isn't it!:chill:
smoking knocks me sick its mingin but wheneva i have a drink i always hav to smoke 4 sum disgusting reason..... its weird cos i can smoke up to about 30 fags in a weekend but thru the week i neva touch a cigarette unless i go 4 a drink anywhere n mebbes the odd time if im dead stressed out about sumfink but wanna stop completley tho cos even tho its only 30 on a w'end it still averages out to about 6 a day which is sooo terrible n its awful of thinking about stuff like that... it is sooo pointless tho, hhmmm i know lets inhale smoke into ma lungs 4 no apparent reason, spend fuck knows how much on em a week n in the end they either gonna make me dead poorly or kill me..!! v.v clever god i sound like ma mam here but its sooo true!!im just as bad as everyone else i s'pose am sooo gonna stop altogether at sum point its just when im drunk or fucked i always end up smoking lots!! looking 4ward to when i end up having lil'uns cos i know thats 1 thing that'll make me stop 4 good cos theres no way i'd dare touch a fag when i was pregnant!! xxx
oh shut up im hardly meaning that as a sole reason of having children anyways i cant wait to have children in general not just cos of that im hardly gonna go n hav a bairn just so i can stop smoking am i. :evil: :evil: :evil:
s'pose it probs did but if the one reason i wanted children was to stop smoking believe me i'd hav had em by now aw im just gonna shup up but i wish people would stop taking everythink i say 100% seriously. god! xxxx
hehe!! of course!! god i'm dead sorry i havent half bin dead snappy with people 2day havent i, god sumone needs to learn to take a joke!!! sorry peeps!!! i blame the evil girlie hormones lol!! sorry again people 4 bin all evil n snappy!! xxxx