I'm not an expert on european law, but I know one of my old clients (a german living in england) had a case against him dropped when he was caught parking his smart nose to curb (as its completely legal to park a smart car nose-to-curb throughout europe). EU law
i agree i wouldnt feel safe driving anything smaller than the ford ka i have at the mo (till i getmy new car which will hopefully be sooooonn) Samrt cars actually score very highly in safety tests cos their body fram is solid, certainly much safer than a ford ka!
yeah good point. i hadnt looked into them that much! not something i would ever get! way too small to feel comfortable in, hense why im getting something bigger
RIGHT am not getting a smart car, i'm getting a mk5 polo as i think it is my duty to have at least 1 car with more than 2 seats and i need room to take my dogs places too. P.S. The roadster is a total dogs, i like cars that dont look like a bulldog chewing a wasp....(god i havent heard that for years...lol)
SORRY, i meant to say the roadster is minging but from what i wrote when i was hammered it mde it sound like i was saying its the dogs...as in dogs bollocks....but its not it is a dog! I hope that has cleared up any confusion i may have caused, and apologies for my error
smart cars are fucking terrible, theres nowt smart about them, theyre gimmicks. id rather have a new polo. better car all round.
me too, but out of the choices she gave, id go with the vw, i would not feel at all safe in that shit excuse for a merc.
I dont really like any of the newer shape golfs apart from the brand new one which i cant afford. The mk1 is the only really beautiful golf the exists. I think the mk5 polo is the next best thing to the mk1 golf, the older polo's with round lights ans the new shape ones arent so nice. But i am going off taste, reliability, and affordability
i'm sorry but i just dont like the look of the mk3 most out of all of them, then the mk4, then the mk2, then mk5, and then mk1 reigns supreme....lol