i tried to get dan hawkin's to kick me to fuck outside of electrophoric to get the night after off he didnt and he called me an idiot, and i'm sure i threw jerry over the road too
I have a couple of mates on here who sell till rolls of the fuckers on Ebay? Can PM you there usernames?
you've got a spot of anal botulism and think it unwise to enter into a confined space with your co workers as their health is paramount and you would not like to pass it on. just say you have anal bleeding.. basically anything to do with your arse is a subject no one wants to know too much about therefore you shouldnt have too many objections from your gaffa
if you work in a callcentre say you've lost your voice. and obviously make sure you put that across when you speak to em
This can only be used once but it's by far the best " i was spiked last night" watch your boss turn to putty
theres a similar thread on the GG board, was pissing myself at this: we got a lad in our office that didnt come in one day or ring, turned in the next day and said he'd sneezed while his head was under the water in the bath and it caused his ears to fill up with water and he couldnt hear a thing to ring in sick
the things people will say to have a day off crease me. why dont they just go into work and wait til the weekend or rota days off to party? to be fair the only reason i probs wouldnt pull a sickie at the minute is that i cant afford to loose a days pay
I worked with a lad who pulled some legendary sickies to get out of work. Once before a shift he used loads of his Mams make-up to do a proper wicked horrible looking fake bruise all around his ankle. It looked totally realistic. He hobbled into work and said he'd fallen on the stairs the night before and couldn't walk - they sent him straight home. Another time he filled a tuperware container with milk, a whisked egg and some chopped carrots (amoungst other things) and left it in a warm airing cupboard overnight. Next morning he stuck the lid on, walked into work, and just after clocking in threw it all over the floor of the locker room. He then went and told the manager he'd just been sick and was promptly sent home, haha.
Am a pussy when it comes to throwing sickies, normally just dont ring in turn off my phone & make a pathetic excuse up when I arrive the next day.